Gone Fishin'
If you have dined at the Bee-stro, you may have heard playing on our playlist, “Gone Fishin’”, by Bing Crosby and Louie Armstrong. I...

Moving Forward
When I started this blog series, I thought I had escaped what one associates with cancer- chemo, radiation, possibly death. Having that...

The Power of One
Let’s do a little introduction first. Since I can’t seem to figure out how to do captions with the photos in the blog, let me tell you...

The Staff
Kara Syx, Mary Jo Alumbaugh, Rick Alumbaugh, Lynn Stockrahm, Aaron Stribling, Henry Thompson, Amy Thompson, Debbie Hostetler, Allison...

The Procedure
Ok, bear with me. I don’t speak medical jargon. The only college level course I ever took was medical terminology at Ivy Tech….but it...

The Plan
The next day after the diagnosis was Tuesday, Oct. 3. Andy, Judah, and I had already planned to make our weekly trip to Jeffersonville...

The Cancer Diagnosis
Life is good, but occasionally, you get thrown a curve ball. Like on Monday, October 2. One hour before we were welcoming guests and...