The Undecision Decision
So, I got new glasses today. The last time I got new glasses was in 2020. I remember it so well because I didn’t mean to get new...

Inspiration is Never Insignificant: The Backstory to Our NYE Murder Mystery Dinner
The idea of doing a Murder Mystery Dinner crossed my mind back in 2020. Actually, it more than crossed my mind during that horrible...

A Unique Gift
Over the years, we have had customers gift us with wonderful items including a poem written about The Bee-stro while the writer waited on...

"Bye, Love You"
Judah called me on her way home from a Friday dinner shift a couple of weeks ago. She said she had a story she had forgotten to tell me....

The Final Blog in This Series
When I started the cancer journey blog, I thought that it would be a 4-6 part series. Well, this is will be a wrap up of this phase or...

Refresh, Restore, Rejuvenate, and Replenish
Years ago, I heard a teaching on the ways of eagles in comparison to the Christian life by Joyce Meyers. If you have ever heard a good...

Yesterday was the day that we finished chemo and thus finished the last leg of this particular journey in life. I say we because Andy...

I Think I Lost My Thinking Cap
It’s been a while since my last blog about my cancer journey. Several people have told me that they enjoy reading them, so I thought I...

Not Being In My Head
With four out of five radiation treatments down, I feel like I am at a good place to post about the experience. My first appointment was,...

What I Gained & Lost This Week
The hair that came out this evening and my hats. The bandages are from the port procedure. Well, since my last blog, I have gained and...